The Worldbuilders Comic

The somewhat fictionalized office shenanigans of the Worldbuilders team.

Pallet Etiquette

We think what we're getting at with this week's strip, in case it wasn't abundantly clear by the amusing juxtaposition of Anne and the overstacked pallet in the last panel, is that Mike is tall.

New Monitor

The last office was a little dusty. The new office is...also a little dusty.

‘Obsession’ for Gamers

As we geared up for the Gen Con Worldbuilders Party next month (tickets still available, hint hint), we ran into a snag: our love of games. In reality, we narrowly escaped this fate. But the comic this week shows what very nearly happened if we hadn't remained strong.

New Office

Our new office is bright, spacious, and now contains us! We've officially moved in, but as we found out pretty fast, the new office is WAY bigger than the old one. Way bigger. Anne suggested we get walkie-talkies.

Moving Checklist

Moving prep means deciding what stays and what goes. As much as Amanda might like us to leave Cinder behind, she's gonna get overruled. His coolness factor outweighs his creepy factor.

Spider Noms

Spiderbro can get away with stuff because he's cute. And he takes care of pest insects, we suppose.

Forget the Comic…

Our summer fundraiser is running this week only! If you need new geeky stuff, now is the time to stock up. From June 5-12, you'll have the opportunity to preorder a ton of awesome new merchandise from us, our partners, and our NEW partners!