“Rather than putting out my fire, you will become fuel for it.”

That quote from Nghi Vo was just one of the amazing things said during yesterday’s “Spooling Up Your Hope Engines” panel on 11ses at Worldbuilders.

Another: We’re getting rid of  the term ‘guilty pleasure’. If it makes you happy, glom on it!”- Nandi Taylor. The entire conversation was an inspirational battle cry against the darkness of this time and this month.

We also had our first “Worldbuilders After Dark” panel, as five geeks talked about polyamorous relationships, how they work, how they’ve been portrayed in SFF, and what everyone – regardless of their relationship status – can learn from them.

And of course Pat Rothfuss did his usual stream from 1-4pm, which will be happening every day – even weekends! – throughout the fundraiser. Speaking of which…

Today on Worldbuilders: “I’ve NaNoWriMoed, Now What?”

If you’re coming off of NaNoWriMo wondering “what’s next?” Worldbuilders wants to help! We’re asking the experts: the best strategies for Read & Critique, agent or no agent, publishing, and more!  Bring questions and a writing geek friend, 11AM CT http://twitch.tv/worldbuilders.

The panel includes

  • Mur Lafferty
  • Vida Cruz
  • Valerie Valdes
  • Coral Alejandra Moore
  • Casey Lucas Quaid

Pat Rothfuss will also be doing his daily stream, and that means special daily prize draws for people who tune in to his Twitch Channel between 1-4pm CT! You might even get to see some special guests, like Oot & Cutie!

We’re coming up on $350,000!

Thanks to the generous second round of matching funds from the Humble Bundle Community, we are 70% of the way to our goal! Remember, right now your donation goes twice as far – and every $10 is a chance to win amazing things from our prize draw.

You might want to also have a look at the teams – groups like “Pat’s Twitch Team” or the D&D” page have special prizes if you donate on their pages. And if you happen to be a “True Dungeon” player, there are rare and incredibly valuable tokens available on their team page!

Our Auction is also going strong – and we’ve made it easier than ever to search, bid, and automatically stay updated on the one-of-a-kind items like the hand-made gown Mary Robinette Kowal wore to Worldcon or a typewriter signed by Neal Gaiman

And if you want to check out why this is such a worthwhile cause, take a look at the Worldbuilders Impact Map. It shows the reach of Heifer programs, as well as the other initiatives and programs we support with your help.