We've had a couple more IndieGoGo perks show up (the Litographs tattoos are in, as are the Gear decals, and both look really sweet!), and we'll update our full list next week so you guys know how close we are to shipping everything out.
Worldbuilders Blog
Find out what we're up to!
Hi, and welcome to Worldbuilders! A few of you might follow us on Twitter (we're worldbuilders_ if you want to find us, by the way), so you may have seen how we decided to display the awesome Stabby Award we got from Reddit r/fantasy.
So it's been a couple weeks since the IndieGoGo officially ended, and at this point we're only missing a few tee shirt surveys, so if you ordered a shirt and haven't filled out a survey to let us know the style and size, please check your spam filter! We need those today!
A couple days ago, we had a game night right after work. This time: King of Tokyo!
Our IndieGoGo for 2015 is almost at the halfway point, and we released a video of outtakes from our promotional video.
Our Geeks Doing Good IndieGoGo will be underway this Monday, featuring more new products, limited edition Slow Regard swag, and other coolness!
Some of you (most of you) probably read Pat's blog, so you may have heard of the tee shirt contest we're running. If not, here's the low down!