Inventory Time!

We’ve had a couple more IndieGoGo perks show up (the Litographs tattoos are in, as are the Gear decals, and both look really sweet!), and we’ll update our full list next week so you guys know how close we are to shipping everything out.

In the middle of the post-campaign excitement, and to prepare for our GenCon trip, Nicole and Adam are doing a full inventory of the Tinker’s Packs. We sure don’t envy them!

Look at ’em, so busy with their clipboards and audiobooks.

It only happens once a year, but hand counting everything to the piece is a daunting task. Adam’s already been here nine hours today, and it looks like he’s just going to chug a Mountain Dew and keep going.

What we’re saying is that these folks work really hard, and we love them. If you order something from the Tinker’s Packs, feel free to throw your favorite bad joke in the “Note” field during checkout to brighten their day!

Thanks everyone, and stay tuned for our IndieGoGo list next week!