If you guys haven't been reading the Worldbuilders comic (called, appropriately, "Worldbuilding"), you're missing out on a largely factual documentary on life at the Worldbuilders office!
Worldbuilders Blog
Find out what we're up to!
August 27, 2015
Comics on the horizon!
August 13, 2015
IndieGoGo Progress Update!
Time for the IndieGoGo update! We've been slowly accumulating perks, and on Monday, Maria, Rachel and Brett started packing stuff up to ship!
August 6, 2015
GenCon 2015 was AWESOME!!
Marc, Molly, and the Writer's Symposium folks work really hard to make the Symposium the Best Thing Ever. We were constantly in awe of their dedication, organization, and professionalism as they ran around keeping lines straight, authors comfortable, and attendees happy.
July 23, 2015
The first wave of tees has landed!
UPS dropped by with a present this afternoon: boxes and boxes of tee shirts! The Litographs shirts are in, as are the "You Have Died of Chandrian" tees.
July 16, 2015
IndieGoGo Progress Update!
We're humming like a beehive around here, getting everything ready for IndieGoGo fulfillment and GenCon. Did we mention we're going to be at GenCon?