Rise of the Chandrian!

We got the best delivery a couple weeks ago…

The FedEx guy showed up looking a little spooked. He asked us repeatedly if we were Worldbuilders and if we were expecting a peculiar delivery. We were a little worried for him until we saw the delivery: a big, wooden coffin.

Apparently, somebody’s parents had been singing entirely the wrong sorts of songs…

We’d known about Ravn’s Chandrian statue for a while, since he contacted us and Pat to see if it was okay for him to make it. We even knew it was on its way to us. But suddenly it was a real thing. We set to work immediately.

It took five of us an embarrassing amount of time to figure out how to get the metal bands off.

Then it was a matter of unscrewing the top of the crate. He was really well packed.

Sooooo much shredded paper. No blue flame, though.

Helpful shipping company was helpful.

….wait, is that a bloody boot?

Aaaaaannnnd….UP! He’s lighter than he should be.

And taller.

We hadn’t seen the finished piece yet. We were used to the in-progress photos, so when we uncovered Cinder’s face, a small shiver went through the room.


Then the clothing. Ravn made all this by hand, by the way–the clothing, the accessories–everything sewn, embroidered, cast, and created one piece at a time.

Amanda was all like, “Do you believe this?”

His hand was sculpted to accept a weapon.

Luckily, we had one.





Selfies! You guys, we’re such nerds…

Of course, we were just starting to prepare for IndieGoGo fulfillment, so we couldn’t just keep a pine coffin in our main work area. We stored it and all the packing, and stood Cinder out of the way. Nobody puts Cinder in a corner? Ha! Watch us!

Now he’s right beside the main walkway in the office, so everyone passes him on their way into work, out of work, to the toilets, etc. Nicole got it the worst, since even though her desk and Cinder are situated in opposite corners of the main store room, she has him in her direct line of sight.

Yeah, it’s a little creepy.

This was an issue for a while. Nicole even put up a sheet to block Cinder from her sight, but we kept taking it down, moving him closer to her desk, and generally being childish about the whole thing.

Then Brett’s wife came up with the best solution:

Now he looks like a movie star. Problem solved!

There will be more to the story of Cinder, and we’ll keep you updated!