Comics on the horizon!

If you guys haven’t been reading the Worldbuilders comic (called, appropriately, “Worldbuilding”), you’re missing out on a largely factual documentary on life at the Worldbuilders office!

Every week, Brett draws a comic based on whatever happens to be going on at the moment, from us eating, to planning the fundraiser, to eating, to jousting on ostriches, to eating some more….we really like food around here. But all our comings and goings are laid out in an easy to digest three-to-eight panels each week.

Like this, but on a different page.

And there’s more! this year, as one of our IndieGoGo perks, we asked if anybody wanted to join in our illustrated hijinks–and the answer was a resounding “yes!” We had three cameos on offer, and they went fast!

Here are our guests now, meeting Amanda.

Hans, Donny, and Hunter will be joining us in a marathon FULL WEEK of comic updates, starting next Monday, August 31st. They’ll be helping us fulfill the rest of our IndieGoGo perks, keep organized, and generally be awesome guys.

Pat may even stop by.

So please join us, welcome our guests, and have a little fun behind the curtain. Not that kind of fun. You know, wholesome fun.

Like filling boxes with IndieGoGo perks.

Thanks everyone! We’ll have a comprehensive IndieGoGo update next week!