You like us! You really like us!

Hey guys!

We wanted to say thank you to everyone who’s been actively supporting us lately, even though we’re still in the planning stages for our next fundraiser!

First of all, the Humble Bundle of Subterranean Press ebooks ended yesterday, having raised nearly $230,000! Thank you to everybody who grabbed some of those awesome books and kicked in to help. We’re hoping to have more followup on the results soon, so stay tuned!

Second, thanks to everybody who voted for us at the r/fantasy subreddit. We won a Stabby Award for Best Related Work! This is a great recognition for how we’ve brought the sci-fi/fantasy community together in charity over the last few years, and we’re so honored. Plus, the award? SO COOL.

We had way too much fun taking photos with it. Maria’s butt hurt from crouching.

This was the photo taken right after Maria announced that her butt hurt.

Finally, Brotherwise Games is holding a few auctions to raise money for some of their favorite charities, and they chose us as one of them! With the looming release of the digital edition of Boss Monster and the upcoming Kickstarter for the highly anticipated Boss Monster 2, they’re auctioning off the opportunity to name a new boss–the Blue Dragon! The Blue Dragon will appear in Boss Monster 2, and you could be the one to name it!

We are jealous of his lab.

Brotherwise will donate 100% of the Blue Dragon auction proceeds to Worldbuilders, because they are that cool. They’re actually running several auctions, with proceeds going to some of their other favorite charities, so if you don’t name the Blue Dragon, why not the BlackWhite, or Red Dragon? The other charities are Child’s PlayThe Nature Conservancy, and the Wounded Warrior Project respectively, so there’s really no bad choice. Then when you play Boss Monster 2 with your friends, you can slyly drop hints that hey, the reason the Blue Dragon is named Francis is because YOU NAMED HIM THAT. Then you can drop your cards like a boss (monster) and walk away from the table, because awesome.

Thank you to all our supporters, sponsors, and everyone who follows us on Facebook and Twitter for spreading the love. We would totally name dragons after all of you (that’s either a lot of dragons, or one dragon with a really really long name).