Ice Cream!

So we try to do something fun (and food related, of course) for birthdays around here, but in all the running around we sort of forgot Adam. Today, we fixed that–now that it’s “warm” here in Wisconsin, we decided to get soft serve! We know, it’s not shakes or malts, but variety is the spice of life.

The line at Belt’s Soft Serve is usually much longer. Their treats are tasty enough, but nothing compared to their portions!

This is the large cone.

It is intimidating.

Jessie hasn’t had ice cream for a while, and forgot that you’re not supposed to let it sit on the roof of your mouth.

Brain freeze.

Adam shared his cone with Rachel.

Of course, Nicole got something to match her vest, because she’s coordinated that way.

Happy (we’ll get it right next year) birthday, Adam!