Project HOPE Impact Report!

When the new Worldbuilders team started last year, we had a challenge thrown into our laps: an opportunity to run a fast fundraiser to help get PPE and other anti-COVID resources where they were needed, with the help of the ProjectHOPE charity.

It was our first fundraiser together, and laid the groundwork for the amazing work we did for the rest of the year. And guess what? Project HOPE sent us a report on what kind of impact we all had:

The Project HOPE team still talks all the time about the awesome Spring fundraiser last year. You were such a great early partner, and the funds you raised went on to boost our unprecedented response to COVID-19, which still continues even now as we are working on vaccinations around the world.

– Evan, from Project HOPE

Notable metrics:

  • Delivered 14.4 million+ pieces of PPE to 19 countries, including the U.S.
  • Trained 93,000+ health care workers across 52 countries
  • Reached 3,800 people with eLearning
  • Trained 199 Master Trainers to administer Mental Health and Resiliency Training
  • In the U.S., deployed medical teams to IL, MD, TX, AZ and NM
  • Provided care to 3,200 people in U.S. ICUs, surge units and COVID-19 units in Houston and Navajo Nation
  • Tested 21,800+ people for COVID-19 across Houston, Montgomery County, Navajo Nation and Chicago/Cook County
  • Reached 1,150+ people through contact tracing in Navajo Nation
  • Administered 1,690+ COVID-19 vaccines recently in Navajo Nation and Montgomery County
  • Supported 150+ countries overall

It’s great to see such concrete success from a fast-paced fundraiser, and a real testament to the power of the Worldbuilders community to help our new team do some good.