More new stuff to buy!

Hey folks, it’s that time of the month again (no…no, just don’t go there). Time to announce some new stuff available in the Tinker’s Packs!

First, let’s cover the limited stuff–we have a couple new signed books: Welcome to Night Vale, signed by the creators, and the lovely graphic novel Sing No Evil, signed and doodled by its creators as well.

Does it feature Carlos and his beautiful hair? Find out!

Brett reeeeally wants one of these, but they’re for you, not him.

Welcome to Night Vale continues (or expands on) the creepy, eccentric, captivating story that runs through the wildly popular podcast of the same name. If you’re a fan of the podcast, you’ll love the extended world presented here, and if you’re not a fan of the podcast, why do you hate yourself?

Sing No Evil is a beautifully illustrated story about a random band of misfits (literally a band) mired in interpersonal issues, bad reviews, touching moments, maddening dream music, band rivalry, and the possible destruction the entire town by malevolent forces unleashed by ancient music. No big.

Both of these books are available in severely limited quantities, so grab one soon!

Then there’s another excellent new book, Unbound. This is the spiritual successor to Unfettered, the anthology full of stories from a lot of masters of fantasy, and Unbound keeps on the tradition of collecting together any stories the 23 excellent authors chose to submit. There’s no theme, no restrictions…almost, one might say, no bonds. Except for awesomeness, because all the stories certainly are that. You can get a copy of Unbound over here.

We also have some new prints from one of our favorite geek artists, Karen Hallion! We have signed, photographic prints of Volcano LoveBack for That Dance, and Rebel Girl, as well as the return of both flavors of Big Bad Wolf!

If that’s not enough art for your walls, illustrator Beth Sobel (does her name sound familiar?) sent us her captivating painting of Auri, titled after one of the gifts Kvothe gives her in The Wise Man’s Fear. It’s printed on heavy paper with a soft matte finish, ready to frame. Get one here and let it find its perfect place on your wall.

And finally, it’s time to take care of your base needs: clothing and caffeine. We’re now carrying Pat’s favorite source of caffeine, Penguin Caffeinated Mints, in three flavors–Peppermint, Cinnamon, and Chocolate. These mints have been a dietary staple of his since his college days, and we’re finally able to offer them to you guys!

If all that caffeine isn’t enough to keep you warm, we’re running a sale on our women’s tee shirts. For a limited time, grab any of our shirt designs in a ladies’ style for $5 off. The time is limited, but the shirts are not–grab three and save $15! Sorry guys, ladies only.

There’s more that we’re not telling you, so head over to the Tinker’s Packs and see what’s up!