Would you like to take a survey?

Hi! So now that everything is out the door and the fundraiser is officially over, we wondered what you guys thought. We’ve put together a super-brief survey (really, like, 2-5 minutes, depending how much you want to think about it), and we’d love to hear from you.

In the mean time, here are some numbers!

We were worried this year that you guys were getting sick of us, what with the IndieGoGo mid-season fundraiser, the main annual fundraiser, and the one we did for Mercy Corps to help Syrian refugees. But check this out:

This is all you guys.

Including the matching funds we were able to take advantage of, you guys more than doubled your donations from last year to this year!

Or check this out. Pat has always said that Worldbuilders is, at its heart, a grassroots charity driven by people who donate what they can. Now we have the numbers to back him up:

In particular, those first two columns.

Sure, folks who donated less than $60 (half the cost of a goat) may only have been a quarter of the total donations, but there are way more of you than any other donation level. You guys really are making a difference, and you’re doing it as a united front. Every little bit really does help!

So how many of you are there, really?

This is how many individual people donated during each fundraiser.

You guys seriously attack each fundraiser. The Syrian Refugee fundraiser? We got to the office one morning and Amanda said, “Oh, we’re doing a fundraiser for Syrian refugees. Right now.” We had the page up and live in a couple hours, with that much notice and almost zero publicity. And immediately, 2,800 of you were there saying, “How can I help?”

Every year, our little Worldbuilders family gets bigger. More of you join us for each fundraiser, and your generosity is having a serious impact on the lives of literally thousands of people. And we’re word nerds here, so when we say “literally,” we really mean thousands of actual people. Stay tuned for an update from Mercy Corps to that effect!

So please fill out our little survey and let us know what you’d like to see us do in the future. This is your fundraiser too, you know!

Once again, thanks for consistently blowing our socks off. Considering the severity of Wisconsin winters, and the thickness of our socks during, that’s no small…feet.
