Get your Valentine on!

…okay, that sounded a little dirty. We mean “Get ready for a new wave of cool stuff in the Tinker’s Packs just in time for Valentine’s Day!” It’s just a bit long for a title.

If you subscribe to the Tinker’s Packs newsletter, you already know this, but we have some new cards, a new 8×10 print, some signed books, and a sweet deal, all ready for you. Let’s start with the pretty one:

Did we say “pretty?” We meant “breathtaking.”

Based on a story Felurian tells Kvothe in The Wise Man’s Fearthis printfrom the wonderful and talented Jackie Morris is exclusive to the Tinker’s Packs. Jackie was gracious enough to take the time (during her vacation) to paint this image, and we can’t stop gazing at it. These are printed on 8×10 “silk” textured photographic paper, and they’re awesome.

We also have two new signed books! The first is Téa Obreht‘s The Tiger’s Wife, a beautiful book about loss, superstition, deep secrets, and fear. Téa was super cool and signed a few copies for us, so grab one while you can!

Warning: this book is like quicksand. It will suck you in, leaving only your hat as a warning to other readers.

The other book is Level Up Your Life by Nerd Fitness creator Steve Kamb, and we really like the concept. Your mom always said video games are nothing like real life and will never make you a better person, and Steve wondered, “Why not?” We’re not sure how he knew your mom, but he had a great idea: use the ideas, tropes, and framework of video games to make yourself the person you want to be! Figure out what character you are, decide what level you want to attain, then start questing–there’s no wrong way to play this game. Along the way, Steve’s book gives you tips, prompts, and even side quests to get you leveled up and make your mom proud.

Best part: this book is entirely cross-platform.

We have new cards! The Jackie Morris print is available in card form, with or without the Feluran quote that inspired it, and we also have a startlingly accurate card from Neil Gaiman (“You are invited to a seduction”), and a sweet looking card from Jacqueline Carey‘s Kushiel’s Legacy. Check them out!

We’re a little stoked.

On the jewelry front, we heard your requests to split up the Court Rings, since not everyone needs three of them at once. You can now buy the GoldSilver, and Iron Court Rings individually for whichever social occasion you find yourself this Valentine’s Day. We plan on stocking up on Gold Rings….because we’re….*sigh*

“Smitten.” The word we’re looking for is “smitten.”

And if you plan on buying cards and jewelry for that special someone this year, you’ll be happy to hear we have a bundle option: buy any greeting card (new or original design) along with a piece from our Valentine’s jewelry collection, and you’ll get 15% off both items. That leaves you enough money for some quality chocolate as well (or sour candy, since some of you are weird).

Math is sometimes good.

And that’s the big ol’ Valentine’s update! We’re super-stoked about the new stuff, and we want to thank Jackie, Téa, Neil, Jacqueline, Steve, and our friends at Badali Jewelry for being lovers, not fighters. At least until they read Steve’s book and decide they’re Warriors.

Gold Rings all around!