First wave is out!

The first batch of lottery prizes went out the door yesterday!

Bask in their glorious glory!

Rachel, Mindy, and Trina have been busting their collective butts to get as many packages assembled and sent as quickly as possible, and they’re pretty happy with their progress. It’s exciting!

Mindy, progressing.

While they’re cranking out enough parcels to make our poor UPS guy weep, the rest of us are getting in the Valentine’s mood. You may have noticed an increase in pink at your local stores as February 14th looms on the horizon.

We’ve been working with some of our author friends to get a few new cards in the Tinker’s Packs in time for Valentine’s Day. We can’t tip our hand entirely, but check out this beautiful art sent to us from celebrated author and illustrator Jackie Morris:

Guys. Seriously. Jackie Morris.

Jackie’s design will be available as a card, both with and without the Kingkiller quote that inspired it, and as a high quality 8 x 10 print that you might want to frame and gaze at for years and years. We LOVE this painting, and we love Jackie for thinking of us when she should be relaxing on vacation!

We have a couple more cards (it’s a secret!) and they’ll all debut in the Tinker’s Packs toward the end of next week. Don’t worry–we’ll let you know!