Comics and Games!

Hi guys!

So with the launch of the 2014 Fundraiser, we’re also launching a weekly comic about what sort of stuff we do around here at Worldbuilders. Will it be informative? No. But hopefully it will amuse you. It will be nested under our blog, and you may have seen the slider for it on our main page. It’s written by all of us (sometimes unintentionally) and drawn by our very own monkey. We hope you like it.

We also kind of want to talk about Cheapass Games. We love Cheapass Games. James Ernest and his crew are smart, fun people who really know what it takes to make a game clever, engaging, and universally appealing.

The team got together months ago to play a few of the games in the lottery, and it was awesome. One of our favorites was Unexploded Cow.

We played this one three times over with the whole group, since it can play so many. Plus, we were able to double-cross Pat, which is always a win in our books. The point of the game is to kill off as many of your cows with Mad Cow Disease as possible by setting off landmines in the French countryside. For each landmine you set off, you’re paid the value of your mad cow. And there are a multitude of ways to make money by betraying someone else, and that money is always the sweetest.

One that only Amanda has played is Deadwood Studios, and she adores it. She gushed about it at length for us, and we figured you’d want to know about it.

When I play Deadwood Studios with my friends and family, we go all out. The concept behind the game is that you’re new actors vying for parts in movies while Deadwood Studios films a hundred different movies on their sound stages. You need to practice your lines, perform them accurately, and pay off the Casting Director for better parts.

And it’s awesome. It brings out all of the goofy in people as they have to recite lines like “Dead Guy: …..” to get their points. Plus, the art is by Phil Foglio and Cheyenne Wright. There’s no way you can have a bad time while looking at that.

So if you’re at all interested in these, you should kick $10 or more into the Team Heifer page, and be sure to select “GAMES” or “BOOKS and GAMES” for your prize option. We’re pretty sure you’ll love them.