Huge Success

As we get ready to bid fond farewell to our guests (they’ll be heading home next week), we decided that everyone needed to get together for a movie night! A few people couldn’t make it, but this was quite a turnout. It was super cool connecting with old friends and hanging out with new friends, especially when we can all bond over something like Star Wars.
You might remember a few of these faces. It’s been a while, so if you can’t quite put the names to the faces in the last panel…
Front row: Giant Squid, Lisa, Maria, Jenny, Vishnu, Anne, Brett, Trina, & Bag
Middle row: Amanda, Rachel, Jeff, Mary, Pat, Morlocks, Spiderbro, & Jessie
Last row: Flidan, Chris, Hunter, Nicole, Hans, Donny, Adam, Q, Tracy, Mindy, & Mike
Yes, Spiderbro really is there:
And now, we’re going to get an ice pack together for Brett’s drawin’ hand.