Worldbuilders Newsletter launch!

The official Worldbuilders newsletter is going out this afternoon to everybody who signed up. We’ve had the “sign up” button for a while, but we weren’t sure what exactly our supporters would want in a newsletter…until now!

If you’d like to get in on the action, please sign up and we promise we won’t flood your inbox. Seriously, it’s a quarterly newsletter, so you’ll only get it four times a  year. Personally, we’re not big fans of newsletters that fill your inbox every week with fluff.

Not to say we don’t have fluff. We have just enough to be cuddly.

Our newsletter will cover what we were up to in the previous quarter and how we did, so if you’re interested in what sort of fundraisers we were involved in, and updates on how we’re striving to improve, all that info is there. We’ll also give you guys a sneak peek into what we’ve got planned for the next quarter. There will be plenty of links to follow for cons we’ll be at, social media where you can stay on top of our running around, and answers to questions we’ve been getting through our contact form.

There’s also an exclusive Worldbuilders comic in each newsletter that won’t appear here on our website.

So if you’d just like to see what the exclusive comic is every three months, or if you were wondering what we have planned for the future, please subscribe! We’ll do our best to make each email count.