We’re okay!

Let’s talk about the weather.

For a few days, they’ve been predicting a massive winter storm: at least 13 inches of snow accumulating, lots of wind, and the term “blustery” spread around with impunity. Grocery stores in the area sold out of milk, eggs, and bread, as though Wisconsinites decided to hunker down in the face of the storm with big stacks of French toast.

Keep in mind, the weather here has been like this:

A couple weeks ago, when Brett was dog-sitting again.

This morning, we all managed to get to work, and while the building was still standing, seeing snow on everything again was a little depressing.

We expressed our feelings by ostricising Rachel’s car.

Nicole’s joints are probably exploding with the yo-yo-like weather patterns, as they do, which makes her the oldest twenty-something we know. We’re waiting for her to come limping through the office with a walker, making actual creaking noises as she moves. No, that sounds mean. We’re really only teasing her because we love her, and because we can outrun her.

So while the end of the world may not have been nigh, it was snowy, and the end of March, and a little depressing. We’re pretty sure there are a lot of folks defianty shoveling their driveways while wearing shorts.