Second verse, same as the first…

That’s it! All the lottery prizes were shipped out as of yesterday, including the international prizes (which may take a while to get to our international supporters). Thank you everyone who supported us during the crazy successful 2014 lottery, and we can’t wait to do this again in a few months.

Wait, what? What can we possibly mean by that?

Maria is joining Pat for the JoCo Cruise, but when they get back, we’ll jump right into planning for this summer’s IndieGoGo campaign! That’s right, you knew the title of this post had something to do with something.

Just like last year, we’ll be debuting a few new products & preorders, collaborating with some more lovely people, and of course, raising more money for Heifer International. If you didn’t win anything in the lottery this year, the IndieGoGo campaign will be your chance to donate to the cause and be guaranteed to end up with the cool thing of your choice.

In the mean time, while Maria and Pat are gone, we’re doing a little house cleaning. We sort of took over the Tinker’s Packs to get the lottery prizes shipped out, and now that they have their space back, Nicole and Adam are taking the opportunity to improve their work environment and do a full inventory.

This is what the store looks like right now.

In the middle of that, they’ll be processing orders and shipping items as usual. If you haven’t seen the new products, head over there and check ’em out! Valentine’s Day is just around the corner, and we have a few cards, games, and jewelry pieces you might enjoy.

Thanks again for making 2014 our best fundraiser yet!

–The Worldbuilders Team