Pardon our mess…

It’s spring cleaning (in autumn) here at Worldbuilders! The place was such a crazed jumble during IndieGoGo fulfillment that we promised ourselves we could clean, reorganize, and optimize our limited office space once the last package was in the mail. We have a strange way of rewarding ourselves.

So this might actually be Worldbuilders Office Tour version 1.5, since we never got the chance to finish the tour before everything got rearranged. We might actually be done by the end of the week! ….we hope.

Trina is playing the adult this time around, forming action plans, keeping us on task, and generally Getting Stuff Done.

We can still find the tee shirts and other store stock, so Tinker’s Packs orders haven’t been interrupted.

Brett can’t reach the photo box at the moment, but that’s okay. He just trusts that he’s being moved to better quarters on campus.

Cinder also has a new home, albeit temporarily. He’s already freaked out Nicole and Trina. The sunglasses don’t work anymore.

Trina’s been optimizing our warehouse space in anticipation of a new (secret!) incoming donation.

Brett and Jeff relocated all our networking and telephony stuff so we can get rid of this huuuuge cabinet.

Why get rid of a cabinet? To give Trina her own desk space, of course! She does too much stuff around here to not have a base of operations, and all this base are belong to her. Once it’s done.

So, even though we’re not actually open to the public, and you’d never know this stuff if we didn’t tell you, please pardon our mess while we remodel!