Worldbuilders Blog

Find out what we're up to!

The Fundraiser starts in–Oh! Shiny thing!

We're a little distractible right now with all the fundraiser planning and organization and Maria pranking, so we figured we'd better let you know when the fundraiser....oh, you didn't know about Maria? Well!

Get ready for the 2016 End-of-Year Fundraiser!

Time to panic, the fundraiser is almost here! We're kidding, of course. We've been planning for a while, because that's how you do something that lasts over a month and just over a week?!


Sadness and despair! We have lost our shiny new refrigerator to the rigors of constantly keeping our food tasty and unspoilt. We suspect foul play.

Donation season is here

Donations for our end-of-year fundraiser have started to arrive from our wonderful supporters! These shelves will continue to fill with awesomeness as the boxes arrive.

Another Geeks Doing Good update!

Our tiny crew is madly packing and shipping perks from our summer Geeks Doing Good fundraiser. If you'd like to see how that's going, read on!

Drink Responsibly

For people who live in Wisconsin, we don't know much about alcoholic drinks. But when the opportunity came to film a couple videos about Kingkiller-themed cocktails, Amanda and Brett were willing to fake it.

Geeks Doing Good perks are headed out the door

We've started mailing out the perks from our Geeks Doing Good campaign, and that means not only will you guys finally have all the cool stuff you ordered, but we'll actually have some room to move around here!