Ice Cream Run!

We’ve done it before, and we’ll do it again! Soft serve!

Now that the weather is less wintery and not as rainy, we decided to be adults and have ice cream for lunch. We all dug in the change cups of our cars and walked the few blocks from our office to Belt’s Soft Serve for treats!

We’re walking…we’re walking…

Mindy loves it when we walk. She’s on a one-woman crusade to get us more active, organizing post-lunch walks around the block(s) and generally trying to improve our lives. Ironically, this trip happened during her self-imposed sugar detox, so she joined us for the walk, but not the ice cream.

She did play along, however.

Also, Jeff.

It’s fun, and we’re hoping to make this a tradition. It’s happened twice now, and even though it’s not Adam’s birthday this year, we still got ice cream. And Mindy made sure we took the long route back to the office to burn off some of our calories. That’s just good all around.