Hurricane Harvey: What we can do

Tropical Storm Harvey slammed into Texas this week, and the Worldbuilders team has been looking at the best possible way we can help out all the people affected. Part of the issue is that there isn’t just one catch-all way to help–these people need first aid, food rescue, clothing, shelter, and more. There are so many different factors that it’s hard to figure out the best, most effective way to help everyone down in Texas.

But then we found Global Giving Fund–a fully vetted, four-star non-profit who knows exactly how to tackle all the stuff that needs to be done quickly and efficiently. They’ve done it many times before. They’re connected to local organizations who are working on-site not just to rescue people who are stranded but to make sure they’re safe and have a way to get back on their feet once the rain stops, working to meet all the needs of the people who have been hit by the storm.

Money raised by the Global Giving Fund will go to immediate rescue and infrastructure–things needed right now to help people weather the storm. Once the storm is over, any remaining funds will go to rebuilding and recovery, because there are years of work ahead.

If you live nearby, if you just missed the storm, if you can take some time off work–please open your homes to those who have lost theirs. Volunteer for the relief efforts in the areas affected by this disaster. Money for food and dry clothing is great, but what Harvey victims really need right now is simply a place to go and people to be right there with them to help in any way possible.

Worldbuilders won’t be hosting a special fundraiser, because honestly, we can’t do better than the Global Giving Fund. Please donate to them. They have a Harvey link right there on their main page. We’ve already sent $15,000. This is money we raise during our off-season, through store and con purchases, direct donations, and our Geeks Doing Good campaign, specifically so we can send it where it’s needed. And right now, it’s definitely needed.

But again, if you’re nearby, please contact the organizations on-site. There are seven words you can say to them that are worth more than anything we can send from Wisconsin: “What do you need me to do?”

UPDATE, SEPTEMBER 7: With more storms appearing worldwide and Hurricane Irma blasting through the Caribbean Islands on its way to Florida, Global Giving Fund has set up individual pages for Hurricane Irma relief and South Asia flood relief, as well as a fund for victims of the Sierra Leone mudslides, which happened on August 14th. They still need donations for those affected by Hurricane Harvey as well. Even if you can’t donate more than a dollar or two to these funds, please give what you can. If everyone reading and sharing this gives a couple dollars, that’s thousands more that can be put to good use.