Guess what time it is!

So this week we all descended upon Maria, Brett, & Rachel’s office (since it’s not crowded enough in there) to get the planning underway for this year’s IndieGoGo campaign!

Adam was happy, trust us.

We’ve been building a list of dream perks and getting the word out to some of our sponsors and a few folks we’ve worked with before (and some new friends), and we’re pretty sure we have the list almost finalized. We talked about the logistics of getting perks manufactured, how we can improve on our shipping & fulfillment, and how cute Maria looks in her new glasses. The meeting ended with a solid plan and plenty of answers to our questions (the answer to how cute Maria looks in her new glasses: Unnecessarily).

We’ll start announcing some of the perks very soon, and we think you guys will get a kick out of ’em. That weird sort of excited anxiety that preceeds a fundraiser is starting to permeate the office. Can you see it on Adam’s face?

We can’t either, but trust us. Stomachs are clenched as we get things underway!