Bunny Stuff

This week, Tracy (of Nerf gun fame) stopped in at Worldbuilders HQ with more awesome!

She’s going to be super-busy for a while at her real job, so to tide us over, she brought a basket of plastic eggs filled with everything from candy to dice and Superballs. She also brought delicious lunch, a bowl of candy, and some real eggs that she decorated in a Doctor Who theme (the Sontaran was especially cute, since, you know, egg shape).

Of course, as tends to happen with everything Tracy brings in, things rapidly turned into projectiles as Superballs were thrown, dodged, and thrown again. Man, those things can bounce. We’re beginning to think that either we have some pent-up aggression, or we all have pent-up inner children just looking for a way out. Since none of us are particularly aggressive, it’s probably just that we’re childish, and we can live with that.