Page 3 - The Daily Builder - Day 14
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knew how to take care of her
          cows. This included not just how
          to feed and care for them on a
          daily basis, but also veterinary
          skills in case they got sick. With
          Agness’s training and hard work,
          Tahokoza thrived, and gave birth.
            “In 2013, it had its first calf, a
          female,” she says. “And  in 2014,
          I passed on the gift to another
          family. Now I have two adults and
          two calves.”
            When  Agness  was taking part
          in the dairy program, she wanted
          to learn more and do more than  Agness and her husband couldn’t keep a straight face for our photo. They
          just dairy farming. Any issues      were both very happy we visited, and we where honored to meet them.
          she encountered were just another  passing the gift. It’s a lot of work,  project,” she says, gesturing to
          challenge to be overcome, and  but she wants to make sure nobody  her maize field, “I was a regular
          once she overcame the obstacles,  gets left behind.                    farmer, like most other people
          she was eager to share her solutions   She says, “As a project, we are  around here. It was hard. I wasn’t
          with others. She contributes to  still continuing, and we are still  able to harvest enough food, and it
 Agness Kasambeni shared her journey through the dairy project she joined through Heifer International. She says   other community projects, making  passing  on  the  gift.  The  only  was very difficult for me and my
 that once other people in her community saw that the Heifer program was so effective, demand increased for both
 education and livestock. She plans to meet that demand.  sure everyone has access to the  challenge now is that demand is  family. Before I participated in this
          same resources that helped her.     too great. More people have seen  program, I was very vulnerable,
            “We’ve been trying to establish  what we can do, and they are very  very poor.  But  now things have
 Agness: the womAn with the vision  more cooling centers,” she says,  interested in learning. But we  improved. I’m able to have tea
          “since the nearest one is still very  are still trying to make sure that  with milk! My nutrition is better.”
 By Worldbuilders  international when I was visiting a  USAid to help establish standards   far. We want to establish more of  whoever needs a calf gets a calf.”  She pats her cheeks and laughs.
 Video narration by   friend of mine in a village very far  and infrastructure for local dairy   them, to have several so they are   Passing  On the Gift is part  “I’ve actually gained weight!”
 Mary Robinette Kowal  from here,” she says. “My friend  farmers.  There  were  no  cows   quickly and easily accessible for  of every Heifer project, and it’s   Years ago, Agness decided that
 was participating in a  Heifer  involved in that project—Agness’s   farmers.”  what causes the ripple effect that  knowledge was the key. She hasn’t
 Agness  and her husband greet  project, and I was impressed  would come after her own project   This is one thing Agness insists  touches so many lives with such  stopped learning, and she hasn’t
 us outside her home. Agness is  with what they were doing. I was  with Heifer.  on a few times while she tells her  a simple concept: once a farmer  stopped teaching. She is not the
 bright and  dynamic,  and we  get  very keen to find out more, so I   She details the steps of the   story: she wants to help as many  has established themselves in the  same vulnerable woman she was
 the feeling she’s spent more time  joined that group. Because of the  project for us. “In  July 2012, I   people as she can achieve the  project, they pass on the education  seven years ago.
 working this morning than we’ve  distance, it really was very far,  received one cow from Heifer   same success she has. So even  they received as well as the   Thank you so much for joining
 been awake. Her husband is quiet,  so they decided we should have  International.  Once  we  received   though she is doing well, she  original Gift—in Agness’s case, a  us,  and  for  helping  Heifer  give
 happy to let her tell her story  another group closer to here. I was  the cow, I took part in further   won’t stop working until everyone  calf from her cow.   people like Agness the knowledge
 without interruption, beaming  able to get most of the members  training.”  in her community has the chance   Not  only does Passing On  and tools they need to prosper.
 with pride as she does.   of my community interested in   Agness  named her first cow   to succeed.  the Gift help other families, it   Thanks to Heifer International
 She is so excited to share her  joining.”  Tahokoza, which means “we are   Her time is divided between  strengthens the community, with   for introducing us to Agness, and to
 story that our translator has to   That first group, the one Agness’s  thankful.” She spent time learning   her own dairy farming and traing  farmers  continuing  to  help and   Mary Robinette Kowal for narrating
 work pretty hard to keep up.  friend was part of, was a joint effort  animal  husbandry  as  part  of  the   others, building and maintaining  support each other.  our video.
 “I  first learned about Heifer  between Heifer International and  Heifer program to make sure she   much-needed infrastructure,  and   “Before  I joined the Heifer

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