Page 2 - The Daily Builder - Day 11
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FraMEwork oF a hEiFEr projEct

                                                                                                                                      Heifer International projects are large-scale,  multifaceted programs designed  to give participants  a
                                                                                                                                    foundation on which to build their success. Each country has its own Heifer team, made up of people who
                                                                                                                                    grew up there and best know the culture and local communities. Since thousands of people are involved in
                                                                                                                                    each project, Heifer needs to be smart and consistent when they plan. Here’s a quick breakdown of the basic
                                                                                                                                    outline Heifer follows to implement each project.

             Belice Kimanthi talks about how taking part in Heifer International’s East Africa Dairy Development program                The Heifer Malawi team, with a few Americans thrown in. The Malawi team oversees every single Heifer project
             has changed her life, and the lives of her family and community.
                                                                                                                                        in that country, from conservation agriculture, to dairy farmers’ organizations, women’s groups, clean water, and
                                                                                                                                        much more.
          a littlE MorE Fair                                                                                                        STAGE 1: SITUATION ANALYSIS/HOLISTIC APPRAISAL

                                                                                                                                      A situation analysis gives clear understanding of the multiple factors causing the problems and provides
                                                                                                                                    familiarity with cultural gender and power dimensions.
          By Heifer International             Tanzania) so they can lift their   initiatives in eastern Africa.
                                              communities out of hunger and        Belice  is chairwoman of the                     STAGE 2: PLANNING
            Belice  Kimanthi is part of the  poverty.                            women’s      community      group                    This stage starts with developing a framework that provides a clear and precise description of what the
          East Africa Dairy Development        In  its first five years, EADD    formed with guidance from                          project intends to achieve and how.
          (EADD) program in Kenya, an  provided           extensive    training  Heifer.
          ambitious Heifer project that       on dairy husbandry, business         Being part of the Heifer project                 STAGE 3: EFFECTIVE IMPLEMENTATION
          groups family farmers into  practices  and operation, and  has meant more than an income
          cooperatives  and  connects  them  marketing of dairy products to  boost for Belice and her fellow                          Once the conceptual framework is developed and agreed upon by key stakeholders, the plan is put into
          with large markets.                 the 179,000 farming families in  self-help group members. She is                      action. A detailed activity plan with common strategies and approaches required to achieve the desired
            Receiving  a dairy cow and  the program.                             now able to save money for the                     results is crucial.
          getting training from Heifer         Heifer  and its partners also  first time, and nutrition education
          helped her gain respect from her  developed 27 milk collection  has better equipped the group to                          STAGE 4: MONITORING AND EVALUATION
          community and hatch a plan for  hubs, strengthened 10 existing  take care of the people in their                            An effective monitoring and evaluation system keeps the project on track and performing as expected.
          her future.                         hubs, and formed 68 farmer  community suffering from AIDS.
            The EADD program is designed  business associations to manage           Thanks to Heifer International for              STAGE 5: REFLECTION, LEARNING AND SHARING
          to boost the milk yields and  the plants. Since then, EADD has            letting us share Belice’s story. You              Learning from both our successes and setbacks allows us to carry that knowledge and experience into
          incomes of small-scale farmers  grown to be one of the leading           can find out more about the EADD                 other projects so that we may improve their quality and effectiveness and achieve greater impact.
          in Africa (Kenya, Uganda and  market-oriented           development                    project here.HeiHei

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