Page 9 - The Daily Builder - Day 09
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From page 7 travel abroad, this time reaching out to Chris from the Lottery
UK. Chris, who had been following this little book’s
adventure for years, was speechless at the idea of Click for everything!
becoming a part of the story. He did find his words,
though, and immediately insisted on donating the Numenera Starter Set
book back - and had some lovely words to say that
warmed our hearts: Donated by Monte Cook Games
“I can’t say enough how inspirational I find this Quantity: 400
fundraiser and I look forward to it every year now. Explore the vast, fascinating, and unique setting of
With so much bad news and horrible happenings in
the world recently, this never fails to lift my soul and Numenera—the Ninth World. Gather your friends,
remind me of the goodness and generosity of people. open this box, and begin playing right away! The
Thank you all for your amazing efforts, it is not just game is easy to learn and fun to play.
the lives of those who receive the aid where you make See it in the Lottery Library!
a big difference, but the hearts and minds of those
who hear about and participate in this fundraiser.”
We love our supporters so much. You guys are the We sent Chris a box of books, including a different
best. copy of Stardust (he’d never read it, and we couldn’t
2015 – The most popular book in the library let that stand!), as well as the library cards for signing. Empires of Dust books 1 & 2
In 2015, Amanda called Don to tell him he won. For the ninth time, the Stardust ARC went back into
They talked for a while, and he was very cool, and the lottery. Donated by Anna Smith Spark
very insistent that we hang onto the Stardust ARC to 2018 – ??? Quantity: 1
include in next year’s lottery for someone else. So of And that brings us to this year. The tenth year, for Signed: Yes
course we sent him a box of stuff and some library the Stardust ARC and for Worldbuilders.
cards to sign, and Stardust went back into the lottery Once more, the book is back in the lottery for anyone Haunted by prophetic dreams, Orhan has hired a
for the seventh time. to win. (Every $10 donation gets you a chance to win company of soldiers to cross the desert to reach the
2016 – The French connection… the ARC and thousands more prizes.) capital city. Once they enter the palace, they have one
…but you know, with books instead of narcotics. The Stardust ARC is readying itself to pick a new mission: kill the emperor, then all those who remain.
Though, one could argue for the addictive properties owner in a long, distinguished line of amazing people See it in the Lottery Library!
of books. and we can’t wait to see who wins it this year. Thank
In 2016, Lucas won the Stardust ARC in the lottery. you, everyone, for joining us!
He was wonderful, and our first international Stardust
winner! There was much emailing and a phone The Stardust ARC
call to France. The Stardust legend was officially
intercontinental. And to continue the legend, Lucas Donated by Neil Gaiman, Dan, Maayan, Maayan
donated it right back to us for this year’s lottery.
Of course, we sent him a box full of books, (again!), Jeff, Don, Lucas, and Chris
including the French editions of a couple of books Quantity: 1
from Worldbuilders Market, and of course, library Signed: Yes
cards to sign. Neil Gaiman donated this deluxe ARC of his novel
He has his library card to mark this occasion, and Stardust 10 years ago. Since then, it’s had an amazing
we added the Stardust ARC back into the lottery. journey through every fundraiser we’ve held.
2017 – Across the Pond See it in the Lottery Library!
Last year, the Stardust ARC continued its quest to
8 Donate! 9