Page 3 - The Daily Builder - Day 04
P. 3

“We had to pass through villages  group divided the area into seven  disaster, she is forging ahead and
          that were waiting for materials.  sections and got to work. They took  choosing not to dwell on what she
          People  were  so  angry,”  she said.  whatever tools  they had, shovels,  can’t yet fix.
          But because of their reach and  wheelbarrows—even their bare             Thapa moved to a family home
          influence — in Nepal, Heifer works  hands — and began digging. Even  in Jiling Village, across the deep
          with entire villages, not just select  with each woman putting in four  river-carved valley after the first
          households — staff were able to  or five hours of work a day, it took  earthquake  toppled  her  home  in
          effectively and efficiently mobilize  more than three weeks  to finish  Tupche. The home remains in
          local governments, and they had  the 4-mile road.                      ruins, as it will take significant
          help and support from local police.   “Even though we don’t have  funds to demolish what’s left and
          The project  participants even  homes we have this road,” said  rebuild. She knows rebuilding will
          volunteered in the distribution and  group member Devi Rijal, 33. Now  come in time and is determined to
          registration processes, while the  you can see that not just ambulances  return to the home in Tupche.
          chairperson from each Heifer self- but  trucks and  motorbikes can       “I am very confident now after
          help group ensured that no family  travel through the village. It makes  joining the  Heifer group. I’ve
          missed out.                         us feel very proud.”               lost  everything,  but  I  know that
            “It was a collaboration between    In addition to road building,  I can raise buffalo and goats and
          Heifer and the districts,” Joshi said.  women  have    been     busy chickens and earn money,” Ganga
          While relief efforts were ongoing,  reconstructing livestock sheds.  said. “I have my skills with me
          Heifer staff assessed conditions for  The group received the equivalent  wherever I  go, so  I’ll  continue
          next steps and ultimately decided to  of nearly $4,000 in revolving loan  doing the same thing wherever I
 In the months following the massive earthquake that shook Nepal on April 25, 2015, Heifer has supported tens of
 thousands of families in the rebuilding process.  establish revolving funds for each  funds from Heifer. Each self-help  go. What happened, happened.”
          self-help group. About $2.5 million  group participant received 15,000   While recovery will continue
 Building roads By hand  was distributed. The money will  rupees, the  equivalent  of about  for months and even years,
          be reinvested in the community  $150, and invested the money in  these women have  maintained
          groups, ensuring local economies  a variety of ways, including in  their positive outlook, and many
 By Annie Bergman  tremors subsided—she  continued   The days and weeks following   are infused with cash over and  building improved livestock sheds,  attribute that to their participation
 Photos by Geoff Oliver   screaming for her children before  the  quake  were  chaotic.  Heifer   over again. In Tupche village,  purchasing  animals  including in the Heifer project.
 Bugbee  she realized they had made it home  Nepal’s assessments indicated   the Pragatasil Women’s Group  goats, chicks, oxen and water   “If we had not joined the group
 and were clutching her legs.  more  than 11,000 participants’   mobilized almost as quickly as the  buffalo, and rebuilding their own  we would not have been able to
 The shaking woke Gita Shakya   More than a year after a  homes had collapsed and another   Heifer Nepal  staff. Just  two  days  homes.  come together to rebuild our lives.
 and her newborn baby from a nap.  7.8-magnitude  earthquake 21,000 families’ homes were   after the disaster — with 19 of the   Januka  Bogoti,  42,  invested  It is our luck that we survived this
 She grabbed the infant and ran   devastated Nepal, the women  damaged. More than 3,000 Heifer   groups’ 25 families living together  in 150 chickens, while she used  disaster and that after surviving,
 out of the house as her belongings  in Heifer’s projects can recount  animals died.  under  tarps strung  between  trees  some of her personal savings to  we received support from Heifer,”
 began falling inches from where  with perfect clarity where they   “We felt like we had to do   — the group called an emergency  build a coop and buy feed. “The  Bogoti said.
 they lay.  were at midday that  Saturday in  something. We’d been working in   meeting. The earthquake had  15,000 rupees that I received from   Rijal took that sentiment one
 Devi  Rijal  was feeding her  April 2015. Though the trauma  these  areas for so many  years. It   blocked the single path into the  Heifer was very important for me.  step further. “Because we live on,
 chickens when the ground buckled,  is lingering and the road to a full  was like it had happened inside the   village, cutting off help for the  It gave  me  hope  and confidence  there will be hope,” she said.
 causing her to stumble. She fled  recovery will undoubtedly be long,  family,” said Neena Joshi, director   many injured who needed medical  that I could rebuild my livelihood,”   Thanks to Heifer International for
 downhill, looking back just in time  each woman is forging ahead on  of programs for Heifer Nepal. It   attention.  Bogoti said.  letting us share the story of these
 to see the walls of her home begin  her own path. With the help of  was Heifer Nepal’s first experience   So, the women decided to build   While Ganga Thapa is still   amazing Nepalese women. The
 to crumble.  Heifer International, many of them  providing  relief  after a  disaster,   a road. Together with six other  moved to tears when she recounts   original story appears in World Ark
 For Ganga Thapa, the shock of  are  already miles ahead of the  and it wasn’t without difficulty,   Heifer-formed self-help groups,  her story of losing her home, two   Magazine
 the earthquake didn’t end when the  curve.  Joshi said.  the women of the Pragatasil  goats and  her  grain  stores to  the

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